Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Geospatial: Building and maintenance of Smartraveller website travel advice maps
The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) engaged work-integrated social enterprise Australian Spatial Analytics (ASA) to build and maintain travel advice maps for the Smartraveller website. These maps are used by Australian travellers for up-to-date information on every country worldwide.
Six regions
>170 destinations
~200 travel advice updates every year
Australian-based data services to build and maintain travel advice maps
ASA provides regular travel advice map updates via a Service Level Agreement
Social Impact
Five analysts trained and brought out of long-term unemployment, ongoing work
"This project provides an outreach program that should be highly commended for its unique approach to engaging talented members of the community in challenging and satisfying employment within a spatial field. The new approach to providing mapping products on the Smartraveller site is innovative and invaluable.”
Geospatial Council of Australia (Australian Captial Territory division)
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